Medical Staff
GP Partners
Dr Hafiz Mukadam Registered Leeds 1993 | (m) MBChB, FP Cert Specialities: Diabetes |
Dr Ajish John Registered Calcut 1994 | (m) MBBS, MD, MRCP, MRCGP Specialities: Cardiology, Respiratory, Mental Health |
Dr Edmund Mathew Registered Madras 2002 | (m) MB; BS DCH Specialities: Paediatrics |
Dr Valentina Flavia Topala Registered Bucharest 2008 | (f) MD-Romania Specialities: Family Medicine |
Clinical Staff
Dr Gopal Sharma Registered Leicester 1987 | Salaried GP (m) B.Med.Sci.MBChB Specialities: Rheumatology & Orthopaedic medicine |
Dr Nina Sharma Registered Leicester 1991 | Salaried GP (f) BSc (Nursing Sciences) MBChb, FP Cert Specialities: Dermatology |
Dr Mariam Aptsiauri Registered Vrach 2005 | Salaried GP (f) MRRCGP, MBChB equiv Specialities: General Medicine |
Dr Rizwan Patel Registered Leicester 2017 | Salaried GP (m) MBChB, BSc, PGCert, FHEA |
Melissa Wolfe | Training Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) |
Hayley Pearce | Nursing Associate |
Natalie Dube | Health Care Assistant |
Delphine Potter | Health Care Assistant |
Ravi Tank | Clinical Pharmacist |
Ellis Dexter | Pharmacy Technician |
Heath Scholes | Physiotherapist |
Practice Staff
Vicky Hill | Practice Manager |
Aarondeep Singh Mann | IT Operations & Deputy Practice Manager |
Marta Lewandowska | Research & QOF Manager |
Klair King | Reception/Administration Manager |
Karen Hill | Medical Secretary |
Joanna Sztuba | Receptionist |
Belinda Chapman | Receptionist |
Julie Mewis | Receptionist |
Roxanna Lowe | Receptionist |
Melis Caglar | Receptionist |
Attached Staff
Mandy Johnson Health Visitor 0116 2153223 (south) Nikki Philbin 0116 2153210 (north) | Health visitors work with people of all ages in promoting health. Their main focus is with families who have children under 5 years of age. They work in partnership with parents to ensure their children reach their full potential. The Health Visitor is experienced in development problems, behaviour management, nutritional and feeding problems and minor ailments. |
Melissa Hutchinson Midwife (community office) 0116 258 4834 | The Midwives of the Bradgate Team will share your antenatal care with your GP. Shortly after the birth of your baby, your midwife and the Health Visitor will visit you at home. |
District Nurses 0300 300 7777 | The District Nurses are based at Westcotes Health Centre. The can be contacted directly. |